Friday, June 27, 2014

Lessons for My Daughter

This week is all about the lessons I want to teach my daughter. Feel free to email me the lessons you want to teach your children.
Simple religion Dalai Lama quote Simple religion Dalai Lama quote
Lesson #1: Kindness matters
I came to really understand yoga and all its beautiful components when I was 27. The idea of karma truly changed the way I live. Similar to the Golden Rule, karma encourages us to treat others with compassion because then we have a better chance of seeing that same compassion return to us over time. Unfortunately, most people look at Karma on the flip side. If you type in karma quotes in pinterest, this is a small sampling of what you will find:
When karma comes back to punch you in the face, I wannabe there...just in case it needs help.
♥♥ karma karma karma karma karma  Put it out to the universe ask for what you want feel like you already have it Acceptancesinabundance@.loveme
Then again, I'd rather enjoy slapping your evil face... 'cause Lord knows YOU DESERVE IT. Then karma is welcome to lay it down.
And those are the ones that don't use profanity; but how about those graphic details? I use to work as a behavioral specialist for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. One of the core concepts was to demonstrate and discuss what you want to see from your clients. Same thing goes for your children. Rather than telling them that if someone does wrong by them, it will eventually come back to that other individual, teach your children that by doing something kind, they will receive kindness back. What we teach out children should always be focused on the actions they can take, rather than on what others are doing. It helps them visualize and follow through with the kinder action. Here are a few positive representations of Karma:
It doesn't matter if you believe in Karma or not... we should still try to live our lives this way.Kindness has a ripple effect.
For more pinterest offerings on Karma... check out my board:

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