Thursday, August 7, 2014

Balance Challenge Day 6: Obstacles to a Balanced Self

We all face challenges to our balance. Just like our idea of balance is different from the next person, our obstacles wont be the same either. I'm about to share my obstacles with you. You can either read on... or skip to the bold part for your next balance exercise.

On Tuesday, I shared that my optimum balance would have the following components: time with family, work, sleep, time with my dogs, and yoga! It's exciting for me to even think about. Now my ability to achieve my ideal balance with ALL these things is hindered to varying degrees by certain obstacles.

My sleep right now is being thrown off by my daughter having learned to roll herself over and sleep on her belly. I'm constantly waking up to check on her. Add on top of that that typically she sleeps 10 hours so as a breastfeeding mama... can you even imagine! Since she typically will sleep until 9am, I have had to wake up at 6am routinely to pump and relieve some pressure. At that point, I don't even try to go back to bed. I am too hopped up on thinking about laundry, dishes, my never ending to-do list... and so it goes.

My yoga practice has been greatly impacted by the arrival of my sweet bundle 4 months ago. I rarely make it to classes any more and for some reason I felt like I couldn't practice at all at home. In addition, I went back to teaching yoga 2 weeks after the birth of my girl. I had to teach in the evenings so my husband could get home from work and watch her.This left little time for my personal yoga practice.

My dogs are getting the care they need but I'm not getting the time with them that I really want. I miss the extra minutes of snuggles before I leave the house or the extra time I would add on to their walks so I could just be with their four-legged souls.

As I mentioned I was teaching several nights a week at local studios so I felt like I was getting the opportunity to work... but something was missing. Teaching was no longer the best part of my day. That's pretty typical I would think after the birth of a perfect baby, but teaching wasn't giving me the same fulfillment it once had. I was craving something more.

Family. This is a loaded gun in my household. We moved to Texas two years ago for my husband's job. We are now moving to Florida where neither of us have family. My husband has basically been working two full-time jobs since the birth of our daughter, one of which includes a great deal of travel. I have been getting amazing quality time with my daughter but not what I want with my husband, mom, brothers, cousins, nephews, etc. I miss my family so much I feel like my heart might actually have broken into a million pieces.

So now that you have read (or not) my personal barriers to balance... I want you to start thinking of yours. LAY IT ALL OUT THERE! Anything that hinders your balance speak it out loud, write it down, sing it the shower, whatever you need to get it out there and acknowledge it. I highly recommend writing it down so you have a tangible list, but if that doesn't work for you... lock it to memory.

I really HATE leaving things like this. We've been doing so well. But this list will likely take time and I really want you to flush all those obstacles out. We will get to moving and solving these issues but not yet. Spend the next couple days alone with your obstacles. Once you have them out there, see where your thoughts go!

Namaste FOLKS!

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