Saturday, July 12, 2014

Being Present At Your Changing Table

So we have all experienced... THE DIAPER EXPLOSION. Even that pretty, little ladylike pumpkin of mine, has them. And when she does... it is a SH*T STORM... literally. Now I've been at multiple mom groups and on the phone with multiple people who get aggravated to the heavens when their kid does it. Especially right when you are walking out the door. Pause... remember that time... now laugh because its over. Pumpkin's first blow out happened when we were already running late to her first pediatrician visit. Sleep deprived at that point, postnatal hormones going crazy, and my husband's reaction all made me want to rip my hair out in that one moment BUT I decided these moments and diapers aren't going to happen forever. So here are my tips to actually "enjoy" your blow out... and any other time you spend changing baby.

  • Be present. Don't think about how you wont have time to run through Starbucks or about the email you need to send. Time is precious. EVERYTHING can wait.
  • Laugh uncontrollably. Being angry, annoyed, and aggravated does absolutely NOTHING for you. If you are late to something because your kid pooped no one will be thinking anything other than "Better you than me."
  • Empathize with your baby. Usually I see one of two looks from pumpkin. It's either "Yea, I did it" or "What just happened in there?" So I talk calmly, quietly and make the transition to changing.
  • Talk to your baby while you are changing them. They wont talk back (yet) but this is a bonding time.
  • I always make a mental note to leave 15 minutes before I need too. That way if as soon as I put Pumpkin in the carseat, she blows, no issue! If you have multiple kids... maybe leave 15 and then add 5 for each additional baby?
  •  Practice holding your breath
Shit happens :)
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